Pha Yant Boroma Kroo Ruesi - LP Nong - Wat Wang Sri Tong

Pha Yant Boroma Kroo Ruesi Perd Loke - Na Maha Sethee - Suea Norn Kin (giant size) - Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto - Wat Wang Sri Tong.

25 inches wide, and 36 inches high, this absolutely giant size Pha Yant is suitable for any Bucha altar from the small home shrine to the larger temple, or Ashram.

Pha Yant Ruesi Boroma Kroo - LP Nong

Featuring hordes of powerful Deities, such as Rachasri, Kochasri, Brahma Ruesi, Phu Ruesi Por Gae Dta Fai and a tiger laying and eating in happiness.

Pha Yant Por Gae Ruesi Boroma Kroo Deity

This Pha Yant us a powerful Bucha item for those who rever the Ruesi, or practice Ruesi-Ism themself, as well as for shop owners and owners of Samnak Ruesi or Samnak Sak Yant/Ashrams. The Pha Yant serves as both a Bucha object, as well as to call people in to the establishment.

Great for high sales quotas in shops, for general Metta Mahaniyom and Choke Lap, and powerful for the altar to Bucha Ruesi in many magical aspects, including Amnaj and Gan Aathan (power and protection against magic), Klaew Klaad (evade accidents or other dangers), and Kong Grapan (invincibility, and life saving miracles) - Even Maha Sanaeh Charm and attraction is attained when devotion is truly given when making Bucha to the Ruesi Boroma Kroo and this Pha Yants other Deities.
Available on Thailand-Amulets.Net
Pha Yant Boroma Kroo Ruesi Perd Loke - Na Maha Sethee - Suea Norn Kin (giant size) - Luang Phu Nong Tammachodto - Wat Wang Sri Tong

Pra Pid Ta Amulets by Por Tan Khiaw - Pid Ta Nai Kan

Pra Pid Ta Nai Kan Thai Amulets(Pid Ta in the womb), for Maha Ud and Klaew Klad protection and Maha Lap increase fortune spell -  'Por Tan Khiaw Ubpathamp' edition - made fromNuea Bpanjaloha Piw Prai Ngern - Wat Huay Ngo - LP Tuad statue Malaysia edition.

Pra Pid Ta Nai Kan (Pid Ta in the womb) - Run 'Por Tan Khiaw Ubpathamp' - Nuea Bpanjaloha Piw Prai Ngern - Wat Huay Ngo - LP Tuad statue Malaysia edition

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